jFactory > Playground > Literal - React
Literal - React
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<h1>The Inaccurate Clock Component - React</h1>
<p>This small component demonstrates how to automatically stop and remove all views,
queries, promise chains, timers, css and dom, in a single command, using
<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/jfactory-es/jfactory">jFactory</a></p>
<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/jfactory-es/jfactory/blob/master/docs/ref-index.md">Documentation</a>
<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/jfactory-es/jfactory/blob/master/docs/playground/README.md">Other demonstrations</a>
<button id="install" onclick="clock.$install()">install</button>
<button id="enable" onclick="clock.$enable()">enable</button>
<button id="disable" onclick="clock.$disable()">disable</button>
<button id="uninstall" onclick="clock.$uninstall()">uninstall</button>
<template id="tpl-clock"><div class="clock"/></template>
```jsx harmony const { jFactory } = jFactoryModule; // loaded as umd, see html. const assets = “//cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jfactory-es/jfactory-starterkit/kit/react/assets/”;
jFactory.ReactDOM = ReactDOM;
window.clock = jFactory(“clock”, {
async onInstall() {
class Clock extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { message: "" };
render() {return this.state.message}
// Load a css and register it as "clockCss"
// see https://github.com/jfactory-es/jfactory/blob/master/docs/TraitCSS.md
await this.$cssFetch("clockCss", assets + "clock.css");
// Register a DOM target as "clockDom" and append it to "body"
// see https://github.com/jfactory-es/jfactory/blob/master/docs/TraitDOM.md
// Clone it from a declared <template> (see index.html file)
let clockDom = this.$dom("clockDom", "#tpl-clock", "body");
// or create it
// let clockDom = this.$dom("clockDom", "<div class='clock'/>", "body");
// or load it
// let clockDom = await this.$domFetch("clockDom", assets + "template.html", "body",);
this.view = this.$react("myView", clockDom, <Clock />);
this.update("Installed but not enabled"); },
async onEnable() { this.update(“Fetching…”); this.date = await this.fetchDate(); this.$interval(“update”, 1000, () => { this.date = new Date(this.date.setSeconds(this.date.getSeconds() + 1)); this.update(this.date.toLocaleString()) }) },
onDisable() { this.update(“Disabled”); // Everything installed by and after onEnable // is automatically stopped and removed },
onUninstall() { // Everything installed by onInstall // is automatically stopped and removed },
// your own methods…
update(value) { this.view.setState({message: value}); },
fetchDate() { return this.$fetchJSON(“worldtimeapi”, “//worldtimeapi.org/api/ip”) .then(v => new Date(v.utc_datetime)) } }); ```