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jFactory > Reference > Traits > TraitCSS


Registry / Methods / Usages

Registers CSS that will be automatically removed at Remove Phase.



Injected Methods

$css(registryId {string}, styleBody {string})

Returns: jQuery selection

Calls jQuery to create and append to <head> an HTMLStyleElement containing the value of styleBody.

myComponent.$css('myStyle', "div {border: 1px solregistryId red}");

$cssFetch(registryId {string}, url {string} [, appendTo {jQuery argument} = "head"])

Returns: JFactoryPromise resolved as a jQuery

Loads a CSS file by appending a <link type="stylesheet" href=[url]> into appenTo (jQuery argument, default “head”) and returns a promise that can be awaited.

If a <link> with the same url is already in document at the same appendTo, the existing element is shared. So you can safely recall $cssFetch(sameUrl) without side effects.

Defers current Phase: This method registers a Task that blocks the resolution of the current Phase (if any) until the whole Task chain (including subpromises) is resolved.

Auto completed: The promise chain is completed and expired as soon as all subpromises are resolved. This behavior can be disabled by setting anyPromiseOfTheChain.$chain.chainConfig.chainAutoComplete = false before the promise chain is completed.

$cssRemove(registryId {string} [, reason {string} = "$cssRemove()]")

Removes the CSS registered with the key registryId previously created by $css() or $cssFetch().

An optional reason can be given for debugging the expired cssFetch() Promise Chain.


(Automatically called at Remove Phase)

Removes any CSS previously registered by $css() or $cssFetch() if their Remove Phase match the given removePhase.

