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jFactory > Reference

jFactory Reference Index



Traits (Component Features)

The Traits provide the methods, properties and registry injected into your components (everything that starts with “$”).

  Registry Injected methods
TraitAbout $.about  
TraitCSS $.css $css() $cssFetch() $cssRemove() $cssRemoveAll()
TraitDOM $.dom $dom() $domFetch() $domRemove() $domRemoveAll()
TraitEvents $.listeners $.observers $on() $off() $trigger() $triggerParallel()
TraitFetch $.requests $fetch() $fetchText() $fetchJSON() $fetchRemove() $fetchRemoveAll()
TraitInterval $.timeints $interval() $intervalRemove() $intervalRemoveAll()
TraitLog $.logger $log() $logWarn() $logErr()
TraitMutation $.mutations $mutation() $mutationRemove() $mutationRemoveAll()
TraitService $.service $install() $enable() $disable() $uninstall()
TraitState $.states $state()
TraitTask $.tasks $task() $taskRemove() $taskRemoveAll()
TraitTimeout $.timeouts $timeout() $timeoutRemove() $timeoutRemoveAll()

Classes (Internal Library)

jFactory uses a set of ES6+ classes that can be imported from the jFactory bundle: